Musik ist eine universelle Sprache. Und das Geschäft mit ihr funktioniert letztendlich international. Deshalb ist unsere staatlich anerkannte Berufsfachschule seit Februar 2015 Teil eines noch informellen EU-weiten Netzwerks von musikalischen Berufsausbildungs-Einrichtungen der sogenannten Sekundarstufe II: „MusicXchain“.
Die MusicXchain-Partner
Die MusicXchain-Ziele
Unser Ziel bei „MusicXchain“ ist es, unseren Schülern erste internationale Berufserfahrungen und Kontakte zu potenziellen Projektpartnern in anderen europäischen Ländern zu ermöglichen. Außerdem bietet der Austausch mit anderen Schulen die Chance, neue Lern- und Lehrmethoden sowie die Kultur eines anderen Landes kennen zu lernen und die eigene Persönlichkeit durch einen Auslandsaufenthalt weiter zu entwickeln. Natürlich verbessern die teilnehmenden Schüler dabei auch ihre gesprochenen Englisch-Kenntnisse.
Austausch mit der „Riga Dome Choir School“
Die beiden sind im zweiten Ausbildungsjahr an der Jazz-Abteilung der „Riga Dome Choir School“, die auch klassischen Gesang und Chorleitung als Fachrichtung im Rahmen ihrer Berufsausbildung anbietet. Unsere beiden Austauschschüler möchten dort ihr Abitur machen und anschließend an einer ausländischen Musikhochschule Jazz studieren. Denn in Lettland mit seinen knapp zwei Millionen Einwohner gibt es bis jetzt nur eine Musikhochschule mit einer Jazz-Abteilung. Uns hat vor allem Dagnis‘ und Artis‘ ansteckende Begeisterung für die Musik beeindruckt.
Dagnis Rozins
„Before I was going to Munich, I expected to meet new interesting people, play with them, talk about music life, school life and differences between our cities and schools, and get friends who I will definitely meet after this exchange project. I wanted to see how jazz life is happening here in Munich.
It was how I expected: It was a great journey and I did the most of the things I wanted to do here. It was inspirational to see how good are saxophone players here. School was great. Workshops where so fun, I really enjoyed playing with musicians here. I was going to lessons with students. In evenings we went to jam sessions and concerts in jazz clubs.
The most I liked people that I met and jam sessions in city center. I really enjoyed to connect with people here.
I think I’ve improved my vocals and saxophone play in playing with ensemble. We played a lot of songs, that we didn’t know, so we needed to listen to others even more.
The main difference is that for us highschool is connected with vocational education. But we have much more lessons in week. And we mostly start learning in one age. And for us it’s free, we don’t have to pay for studies.
I liked that you have percussion lessons here. Workshops are different, because you play pop and rock music too. I like that, but only if it’s not too much pop. But in Riga Doma Choir School I like that we have bass and drums lessons, that you don’t have. Ear training and voice training is connected in one lesson for us, and I like it better.
My impressions are very well. I saw many great musicians here. I really liked jazz clubs here. Atmosphere is totally different in jazz clubs here. We should work on it in Riga: We have only one jazz club there.
I really loved this journey, school, Munich and people that I met. I hope to come here again soon. Thank you all for this great time, that I had here in Munich!“
Artis Boriss
„Before I was going to Munich, I expect there will be great musicians and teachers and my expectations are totally fulfilled.
We did so much here in Munich. First, we were on so many jam sessions. The jam sessions in Munich are in high level, specially at Milla Club. We met great people there. The students at Jazzschool are very nice and teachers also.
It was the first time that I was on an exchange project. I think everything was great, no improves needed. About differences between schools: There is a lot of differences, like education system in our country is truly different. Our school is high school, which includes high school lessons like math, languages and musical education. We have 30-40 lessons per week. I think this is the main difference. I appreciate more ear training in our school, because in our school the ear training lesson includes vocal training, listening to chords, transcribing, singing melodies and stuff. I think we need percussion lesson in our school too, because its very helpful for sight reading.
Music scene in Munich is very different. In Riga we have only one jazz club, but in Munich there are a lot of them. Munich musicians play very differently, so I heard a lot of great music here. The best was Milla jam session. Valentin Preissler’s sax solo was incredible. I’v never heard anyone who plays saxophone like that. It was so energetic and impressive.
The people in Munich are very helpful and friendly. I like Munich as a city, its very beautiful. Thank you all for the good time I had at Munich! That was very great and impressing!“
Dagnis und Artis bei unserer Jam Session in der Pasinger Fabrik (12. April 2016):